Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Lafayette
February’s theme: Generosity

Sunday Sermon: The Generous Life by Rev Daniel Kanter
“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away”
Pablo Picasso
Special days coming in February
14 — Valentine’s Day
17 — Presidents’ Day
28 — Ramadan begins at sunset
EARLY VOTING for Senate seat 23, left vacant by Jean Paul Coussan, starts February 1st and runs through February 8th , with election day on February 15th
. We also have an election on March 29th on four constitutional amendments.
The Power Coalition for Equity and Justice has prepared a summary of these amendments.
- Sermon: The Generous Life by Rev Daniel Kanter/ Annual Business Meeting
- Service / Potluck
- Service / UU Discussion Group
- Service

Elections for UUFoL Executive Board were held last Sunday. Congratulations to the new board!
President: Lauren Dupuis
Vice President: Diane Kirksey
Secretary: Jan Castille
Treasurer: Dale Martin

We feasted like kings and laughed like fools!
Alas! There are no photographs.