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Newsletter – January 17, 2025

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Lafayette

This month’s theme:
Authority and Leadership

Sunday Sermon: Martin Luther King, Jr. – Don’t Sleep Through the Revolution.

We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Special days coming in January

  • 20 Martin Luther King Jr. Day
  • 23 World Freedom Day
  • 25 Chinese New Year
  • 27 Holocaust Memorial Day


18 People’s Rally      2-5 pm: Parking is available at the Presbyterian church across the street from our parking lot. Reminder: all participants must stay on public sidewalks. Come early and make a sign or pick one up already made at the church. More details below.


  • January 18: Rally 1 -5: Snacks are available at the Unitarian Church before and during the event. Parking is available at the Presbyterian Church across from the church, on Johnson St.
  • January 19: MLK Jr – Don’t Sleep Through the Revolution. / UU Discussion Group
  • January 26: Service / Annual Business Meeting and Elections of Executive Board Members



Our Unitarian Universalist Fellowship will host by providing snacks and drinks. People can make signs at UU or borrow our signs.  We also have a microwave and fridge. And we have a restroom. 

Please park at the 1st Presbyterian Church, across the street at 1130 Johnston.

We all march for different reasons, but we march for the same cause: to defend our rights and our future.

If you believe that decisions about your body should remain yours, that books belong in libraries, not on bonfires, that healthcare is a right, not a privilege for the wealthy; if you believe in the power of free speech and protest to sustain democracy; or if you want an economy that works for the people who power it—then this march is for you.

The People’s March is about one thing: our power. It’s a bold demonstration of the resilience of resistance.

  • We march to unite the people who’ve been the backbone of resistance for generations—and to welcome even more. 
  • We march to remind civil servants they answer to us. 
  • We march to inspire, energize, and drive change long after the day is done.

This is our moment to remind Washington elites — and Americans everywhere — where the power truly lives: with the people. Let’s make it count. 

Chris Menard


The theme of the discussion is our monthly theme,

Authority and Leadership, led by Mary Guirard

1 thought on “Newsletter – January 17, 2025”

  1. Thanks for this newsletter UUers. It’s always interesting to open and get a peek at what you’re up to…always in motion. I’ve been browsing through your newly designed website…a beautifully organized detailed overview, including your unique beginings to what you’ve become…simply put, in my view, a group of the kindest, most caring people I’ve ever meet. ❤️

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