Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Lafayette NewsletterJuly 13, 2024The theme for July is FAITH.
“Faith enables many of us to endure life’s difficulties with an equanimity that would be scarcely conceivable in a world lit only by reason.” Sam Harris
This Sunday’s sermon: "Hello, Believers" video by Rev. Ian White Maher, Mt. Vernon Unitarian ChurchJuly is French American Heritage month. Vive la France!
Important days in July:
4 Happy Birthday America!
14 Bastille Day
27 National Love is Kind Day
30 International Day of Friendship
Due to problems with our church building, our service this Sunday will be on Zoom only!
Hopefully, we can be back in our building for the July 21 service.
POTLUCK: If all goes well with the church building, next Potluck Lunch will be July 28. Since it's French-American Heritage month, why not consider a French based dish?
The Inn Ministry: Please consider buying a few items during your weekly grocery trip to donate to The Inn Ministry, and bring them to service. There is a box as you enter to the left . Shelf-stable milk and pull top cans are good for those “on the road". Instant grits is a very popular item. Cash donations go to buying bus passes for those who need transportation to work, as well as for the unhoused to get out of the extreem heat and rain for a while. The generosity of this UU fellowship has been remarkable! The food and other items are gratefully received.
Discussion Group: Due to problems with the building, The Gathering discussion group has been cancelled this month.