Universalist Fellowship of Lafayette
April 7, 2024
Our theme is Generosity.
This Sunday’s sermon: The Generous Heart by Rev. Dr. Laurel Hallman, First Unitarian Church of Dallas
Sunday’s Flower Communion service was led by Julien Kain. The
Flower Communion is a beloved UU ritual. People are invited to bring
a flower. The gathered flowers made a beautiful bouquet, just as we
come together as individuals to create a beautiful,
community and to celebrate diversity in its many forms. Each person
took away a flower other than their own.
Join us for at a local restaurant this Sunday. Lunch coupons are available.
April 7 is World Health Day and also marks the anniversary of the World Health Organization's founding and aims to remind people that health and access to healthcare are human rights.
Celebrating April 7-13 as National Library Week reminds us that libraries are an essential public good and fundamental institutions in democratic societies, working to improve society, protect the right to education and literacy, and promote the free exchange of information and ideas for all.
Donate $5 for The Inn: Please consider buying items for about $5, during your weekly grocery trips, to donate to The Inn Ministry.
April 2 Executive Committee Meeting
April 7 Service
World Health Day / Nat. Library Week
April 10 Eid al-Fitr
April 14 Service and Potluck
April 15 Tax Day reminder
April 21 Service
April 22 Earth Day
April 23 Pink Moon / Passover
April 24 Festival International April 24 - 28
April 28 Service
Save the Date – Pride Fest is planned for Saturday,
June 29 from 10am – 5pm!