Universalist Fellowship of Lafayette
March 24, 2024
Our theme is Transformation.
Sunday’s sermon:
the Vernal Equinox”
by Morris Hoagland
Attention: Rev. Julien Kain has agreed to facilitate a monthly discussion group that would allow us to share our responses and ruminations on materials from UU-related publications.
The hope is that by coming together in a group setting, we might grow individually and as a community through guided dialogue. We want to invite any of you interested in attending and participating in this discussion group to join us this Sunday after the completion of the regular service for our inaugural gathering.
I will provide a light, quick lunch that we can share prior to starting the discussion group. We expect the session to last approximately 90 minutes.
Dale Martin
Chair of Religious Education Committee
March is Women’s History Month and Irish American Heritage Month
Join us at a local restaurant. Lunch coupons are available.
We are still collecting donations for The Inn Ministry. They continue to need powdered milk, peanut butter, and protein. Cash donations are always needed for bus passes.
March 24 Service – Celebrating the Vernal Equinox
March 25 Worm Moon
March 31 Easter Service by Rev. Julien Kain