Universalist Fellowship of Lafayette
March 17, 2024
theme is Transformation.
This Sunday’s sermon: I and Thou by Rev. Daniel S. Brosier, adapted
[ read by Morris Hoagland]
Our 2nd Source: The words and deeds of prophetic people which challenge us to confront powers and structures of evil with justice, compassion, and the transforming power of love.
Outing to Lake Martin
After Sunday’s service and potluck lunch, several attendees went on a nature outing to the rookery at Lake Martin. The Great Egrets in their delicate, lovely mating plumage were seen displaying, building nests and gracefully flying about. Some were already sitting on nests; so, in several weeks, one should be able to see the nestlings being fed. Such fun! Also seen were other birds, including wood Ibis and a pair of roseate spoonbills.
March is Women’s History Month and Irish American Heritage Month
Join us for lunch at Athena’s restaurant after service as we continue our fellowship. Lunch coupons are available for those who need a bit of financial assistance.
We are still collecting donations for The Inn Ministry. They continue to need powdered milk, peanut butter, and protein. Cash donations are always needed for bus passes.
March 17 Service Sermon: I and Thou
March 19 Spring Equinox
March 23 Purim
March 24 Service / Holi Fest
March 25 Worm Moon
March 31 Service by Julein Kain / Easter