Unitarian Universalist
Fellowship of Lafayette
March 3, 2024
Our theme is Transformation.
This Sunday’s sermon: “Is Spiritual Transformation for Unitarians Universalists Even a Thing?”
by Rev. Eric Kaminetzky , Edmonds Unitarian Universalist Congregation
May you share that feeling of transformation wherever you go.
May it spread into every word, deed, thought, and interaction
Until we are all changed, transformed and transforming together, becoming our better selves. by Emily Richards
March is Women’s History Month and Irish American Heritage Month
Join us for at a local restaurant this Sunday. Lunch coupons are available.
We are still collecting donations for The Inn Ministry. They continue to need powdered milk, peanut butter, and protein. Cash donations are always needed for bus passes.
March 2 Read Across America!
March 3 Service
March 5 Executive Committee Meeting
March 10 Service and Potluck [Daylight Saving Time starts]
March 11 Ramadan begins
March 17 Service
March 19 Spring Equinox
March 23 Purim
March 24 Service / Holi Fest
March 25 Worm Moon
March 31 Service / Easter