Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Lafayette Week of January 8-14, 2024
Our theme for January is Justice
“The first duty of society is justice.” Alexander Hamilton
“It is the spirit and not the form of law that keeps justice alive.” Earl Warren, Chief Justice
“Justice grows out of recognition of ourselves in each other—that my liberty depends on you being free too.” Barack Obam
B.R. Ambedkar wrote, “In short, justice is another name of liberty, equality and fraternity.”
2024 Membership Drive
a Member
is open to individuals 14 years of age and older, whatever their
ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, physical challenge, or
past religious affiliation
and visitors are always welcome at the Unitarian Fellowship of
Lafayette, including Sunday services, special events, and financial
support of the church. Becoming a member of the congregation, though,
is an important step for many people.
The formal act of becoming a member of the church consists of signing the membership book and being welcomed into the community.
Benefits of Membership
The right to vote on bylaws, elected officers, and the annual budget at congregational meetings
Eligibility for serving on the Executive Board
Eligibility for serving on congregational and board committees
Worshiping together means being a part of the supportive community. It also means that you are invited to share your experiences and ways of understanding the great mysteries of life, in a safe place and in a way that is comfortable to you.
UP-COMING ELECTIONS: Elections for members of the Executive Board will be held in February. The UUFoL congregation needs YOU – your ideas, insights, energy. Consider running for a position on the board. Bring new life to the congregation. It’s fun and only 1 hour a week! More information next week. Direct any questions to Mary Guirard, chair, nominating committee:; text or call at 337 519-8553
PLEDGE DRIVE. Speaking of being needed: Think about how much UUFoL is worth to you. I know none of us can afford THAT much!! So, we give what we can. More information next week.
Lunch: Join us at POT LUCK after service.
In honor of MLK Day, we are planning an “Hour of Service” after Potluck on Sunday, January 14. We will fill Emergency Eviction Bags for those experiencing homelessness. (See below)
The INN MINISTRY – “Emergency Bags”
In preparation for the coming cold weather, The Inn Ministry will continue to prepare “emergency bags”. If there is a hard freeze, Catholic Charities will provide shelter for the homeless for a certain number of days – but shelter only. The emergency bags would contain foods that are easily prepared or heated in a microwave, or eaten without cooking; small containers of shampoo and small bars of soap are needed; also, plastic eating utensils. Cloth bags are good, because whatever is left over when they are evicted can be hauled away in the bags.
The bags might include:
2 sleeves of crackers and the following: a jar of peanut butter; pull-top edibles such as tuna, spam, Vienna sausage, beans; Pull-top fruit cups and cereal; pop-tarts, granola or protein bars; shelf-stable milk (the milk can be found at $ Tree)
There is not much equipment in a room. So, a bag might include a microwavable bowl and plate and a few plastic forks, spoons, knives. If those are included, then ramen noodles, pull-top beans, chili and soups (these are things they often ask for); quick-cooking or instant rice, grits, oatmeal. If they are being evicted from the Inn, the friends they have made there will often let them return to use their microwave and bathroom.
If a can opener is included, then the above need not all be pull-top, thus increasing variety, decreasing costs. Condiments: salt, pepper, mayo & mustard packets, sugar packets, jam
In the spirit of community, why not invite friends and family to join us Sunday for our Day of Service Emergency Bag Get-together.
January 1 Happy New Year --2024!
January 2 Executive Committee Meeting – 6 p.m.
January 6 Epiphany
January 7 Justice League, video sermon
January 14 Service, Potluck, and UU MLK, Jr. Day of Service activity
January 15 Martin L. King, Jr. Day & National Day of Service
January 21 Service
January 25 Wolf Moon
January 27 Holocaust Remembrance Day
January 28 Service