![]() Greetings fellow UUs and supporters! We are meeting IN PERSON and on Zoom until further notice. Our theme for July is 'Circle of Life'. As Chief Black Elk said, “Everything the Power of the World does is done in a circle.” Yin and yang, these complementary opposites are expressed in a circle. We live in circles within circles. The rotation of the Milky Way, the solar year, the seasons, solstice and equinox, the waxing and waning of the moon, the rotation of earth that gives us night and day, and birth and death. The circle of life, our life. --- Sunday, July 3rd Service: ![]() Perhaps Unitarian Universalism is unique in that we welcome members with different religious beliefs without trying to convert them. We celebrate those differences as they enrich our experiences-- but how can Pagans, Christians and other UUs sit at the same table and embrace each other? Rev. Dr. Cynthia L. Landrum suggests that we seek common ground. In the case of Christians and Pagans, they both share a belief in a divine power, and emphasis on ritual and prayer. In addition, both Christianity and Paganism can be considered two paths toward knowing the 'great source of all', be it the Father or the Goddess. Both paths are steps toward our common goal of becoming a welcoming community. Please visit us either in person at 1119 Johnston St. or on Zoom: tinyurl.com/zoomuulala or via the link at uulala.org. We visit with coffee and snacks from 10:30-11 am. The service runs from 11 am until 12 noon. After the service every second Sunday of the month we have a potluck dinner. On other Sundays we go out to eat at a local restaurant. Everyone is invited! See less --- Last Sunday's service recap: We watched a TED Institute video presentation by David Farrell that identifies the key driver of mass shootings in the US. Chris presented ways to support common sense gun laws. --- View past Services slides (with links to sermon texts or videos when available) New! Theme-at-a-glance allows a quick scan for service topics you may be interested in. Most services will have text linked to the sermon. Use your web browser’s ‘Find’ feature to search for specific topics quickly also. --- ![]() Movie night for June 30th at 6:15 pm for 'Hamilton' at the church only this time. We will try to pick movies that we can Zoom in the future. (Disney+ and Netflix don't allow Zooming.) Bring a snack to share! --- View our 2022 Photo album! --- ![]() --- |