![]() UU Fellowship of Lafayette Greetings fellow UUs and supporters! We will be meeting ONLY on Zoom until further notice. Our theme for the month of September is REASON. From Touchstones Journal: [Unitarian Universalism has its foundations in Universalism's] 'three leading principles: "first, complete mental freedom in religion rather than boncdage to creeds or confession; second, the unrestricted use of reason in religion rather than reliance upon external authority of past tradition; third, generous tolerance of differing religious views and usages rather than insistence upon uniformity in doctrine, worship, or polity"..."The path to knowledge begins with our sense perception of the world. Based on this, we draw inferences and make deductions in order to expand our knowledge. By contrast, belief is based upon accepting something as true because we are told it is true by an authority."' Sunday, September 26th Service: Visit us for the last in our Sunday services featuring Reason. This one is great because it counters the common misconceptions of binary thinking. While it would be nice to be able to describe the world in concrete terms of black and white, our actual experiences tell us that reality is ambiguous or just 'fuzzy'. Several examples are given to prove this point. Visit us via this link or the one on the uulala.org web page and expand your mind a little bit on us! If you are unable to attend, you can view the interactive service slides here. If you are on Facebook the service event is here. --- Last Sunday's service recap: Our September 19th Life Balance and the Autumnal Equinox service was a video sermon by Rev. Meg Barnhouse on the importance of having balance in our lives. This goes along with our celebration of the 'balanced' day and night of the Autumn Equinox. --- Correction on last week's newsletter. Kiera Frey was taking care of the linemen in the Cajundome, not the evacuees. Sorry about that, Kiera. =0 --- ![]() UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray, shares a spiritual practice to help us connect to, and feel held by, our larger Unitarian Universalist spiritual community. View it here. --- Announcements: ![]()
--- Calendar: Note: Services to be held via Zoom until further notice September theme Reason 9/26 Service: Fuzzy Questions, Fuzzy Answers October 10/20 Book Club Meeting 6:30 - 7:30 on Zoom 10/25 Early voting on the Library funding November 11/11 Voting on Library and other funding measures --- |