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Newsletter – January 1, 2024

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Lafayette

January’s theme is AUTHORITY and LEADERSHIP

Sunday Sermon: “Empowering Ourselves in UU Through our New Website.”

“Good leaders inspire people to
have confidence in their leader. Great
leaders inspire people to have confidence
in themselves.”

Eleanor Roosevelt

Special days coming in January

  • January 1: New Year’s Day
  • January 20: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 
  • January 29: Lunar New Year


Dale Martin will lead us on virtual tour of our new website.  Please bring a digital mobile device such as a smart phone, tablet, or laptop to the service for this interactive presentation.

Happy New Year, everyone!


  • January 5: Sermon: “Empowering Ourselves in UU Through our New Website.”/Lunch Bunch
  • January 7: Executive Committee meeting at 6 p.m.
  • January 12: Service / Potluck/ Posting of all candidates for office.
  • January 19: Service: Great Prophets: MLK, Jr. / UU Discussion Group*
  • January 26: Annual Business Meeting and Elections!


“Empowering Ourselves in UU Through our New Website.”

Screenshot of website

This Sunday we will be familiarizing ourselves with the content and navigation of our new website. Our website contains a history of our Fellowship and its Mission, the ongoing events and calendar of upcoming activities, along with other valuable links and resources to help us enrich the ways we understand and live the UU Shared Values.


This is being repeated to encourage those who may still be considering running for office on the Executive Board but have not yet made a decision!

Send nominations to

Elections will be held for UUFoL Executive Board on January 26. Positions to be filled: President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. We hope that some members of the congregation will consider running for office or nominating someone. These offices are open to all members.

Active Membership in this Fellowship shall be open to all persons who are in sympathy with its mission. Active voting membership shall also be contingent upon the presence of the member’s signature on an annual roster. If you wish to become a member and have not yet signed the membership roster, you may do so by signing up any time. The book is found on the table near the entry. Ask for help if you need.

Following is a summary of the duties for each office:

The Treasurer shall receive all monies collected by the Fellowship, make disbursements authorized by the Executive Committee, keep a record of all monetary receipts and disbursements, present a financial statement at quarterly business meetings, provide for budget projections as needed by the Executive Committee or the Fellowship, monitor and explain Fellowship investments, present a financial statement to the Fellowship and to Archives and History at the end of the fiscal year, and provide guidance and mentoring to incoming replacement.

The President shall preside over all regular and special meetings of the Fellowship; serve as Chairman of the Executive Committee; represent the Fellowship on all public occasions for which no special delegation is provided; appoint, with the approval of the Executive Committee, all Standing Committees and such special committees as are deemed necessary to carrying out the business of the Fellowship; and install new officers at the end of their term. The President shall account for Fellowship’s successes and challenges at quarterly and annual business meetings orally and in writing, and provides guidelines and mentoring to incoming replacement.

The Vice President shall assume the duties of the President in the absence of the latter officer. The Vice President shall also serve on the standing committees of Services and Religious Education. They will report on Services and Religious Education successes and challenges at quarterly and annual business meetings orally and in writing. They will also provide guidance and mentoring to incoming replacement.

The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all regular and special meetings, handle all official correspondence of the Fellowship, and serve as Secretary to the Executive Committee. The Secretary shall provide minutes of all meetings to the Fellowship and to Archives and History, and provide guidance and mentoring to incoming replacement.

The Inn Ministry

We’re still gathering household items for Octavia and Demetrius. If anyone wants to organize the pick-up and delivery, please contact Octavia at the number you will find in our earlier email (we don’t want to publish the number online).

TEXT HERE ******

1 thought on “Newsletter – January 1, 2024”

  1. Hi, just got a text from Dale. He spent 2 hrs. in ER in Crowley with pneumonia. He should be out of the hospital by Friday. You may have gotten this news already, but just in case you haven’t.
    Thanks for the newsletter, Mary
    And, Happy New Year everyone.❤️🎉

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