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Newsletter February 19, 2025

    Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Lafayette

    February’s theme: GENEROSITY

    Sunday Sermon: Guest speaker: CONSUELA GAINES on the VOTE (Voice of the Experienced) organization.

    It is the heart that does the giving; the fingers only let go. (Nigerian proverb)

    Special days coming in February

    • February 20th: National Love Your Pet Day — this is probably something you would do anyway, but maybe give them an extra hug in these difficult times. They’re helping keep you sane.
    • On a related note, February 23rd is National Dog Biscuit Day. This announcement was brought to you by the National Association of Dogs. Just a suggestion.


    • Sermon & Potluck: February 23rd, Consuela Gaines discusses VOTE (Voice of the Experienced), a grassroots organization founded and run by formerly incarcerated people (FIP), their families, and allies.
    • March theme is Forgiveness.


    Our membership committee sends this appeal. Please consider giving of your time, money, and expertise to help our congregation thrive and grow.

    Stewardship and Pledging Time and Money

    If you’re a member of our Fellowship, or have been around long enough to make us think you are, we ask you contribute your time and financial resources.

    We need both. We can’t get anywhere without willing hands and creative minds. By working together, we lessen the burden and build community. There are always things that need doing — religious education, organizing, work projects, maintenance, communicating….

    And if everyone makes a responsible financial contribution, our church can expand and grow, with new programs, community outreach, and social justice programs. How much is enough? We ask that you consider 3 to 5 percent of your income.

    We know people are in varying life circumstances. Some are caring for elderly relatives or have health concerns or medical bills of their own. Others are between jobs. We don’t ask that your contribution be a hardship. But neither should it be easy. It should reflect a serious commitment to your spiritual home, where you, your family, and friends will find support, learn, and continue your search for religious meaning.

    This commitment works both ways. We pledge to maintain a safe, welcoming environment where your religious questioning and searching are respected and nurtured.

    Annual Pledging: Our church year runs from January 1 to December 31.  At the beginning of the year, we ask members to make a financial pledge as they plan their budget.  Most friends and members find it convenient to pledge a monthly amount. Then in late fall, we’ll ask you to consider a pledge for 2026.

    If you’d like to make gifts of stock or other types of giving that are out of the ordinary, please discuss it with our treasurer, Dale Martin, or any member of the Executive Committee.

    We’re happy that you are part of our Fellowship. 

    Best Wishes, 
    The Membership Committee

    HAPPENINGS (past, present, future)


    This Sunday, the 23rd, in accordance with our theme of generosity, our service will include sharing and discussion of random acts of kindness. You may want to come prepared with examples of special meaning to you (or you can come up with some on the spot). They will be put into a basket and read anonymously during the service.


    This Sunday after service is out potluck Sunday. Bring a dish and stay to share a meal in community with your fellow UUers.


    On Monday, some of our members attended the “50 50 1 Protest” in front of the old City Hall. This was the local rally as part of a nationwide protest of many thousands. TV stations were there to interview participants and record the marchers and chants.

    You can see photos of the event at this link.


    Diane led our discussion group last Sunday on the topic of Generosity. We had a meaningful and deep conversation about personal experiences of kindness and generosity.

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