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Newsletter – January 23, 2024

    Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Lafayette

    Theme: Authority and Leadership

    Sunday Sermon: UU Leadership in Human Rights

    “In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart.” 

    Anne Frank

    Special days remaining in January

    • 23 World Freedom Day
    • 25 Chinese New Year
    • 27 Holocaust Memorial Day 


    Elections for Executive Board will be held Sunday, January 26, 2024. Members who cannot attend service in person may vote on zoom.


    • January 26: Sermon: /Business Meeting and Elections/ Potluck


    Elections for the UU Executive Board will be held on Sunday, January 26, 2025. Members who cannot attend service in person may vote on zoom.

    The current slate of candidates is:

    President: Lauren Dupuis

    VP: Diane Kirksey

    Treasurer: Dale Martin

    Secretary: Jan Castille


    Another uplifting Gathering Discussion Group was held last Sunday. Folks seem to leave the discussion with a sense of being heard and with a feeling of getting to know better the members of the group.


    Our Unitarian Universalist Fellowship hosted the People’s March on Saturday which was held on the corner of Johnston and University. Thanks to Diane, we were able to reach out to a wide range of contacts. Our UU church provided snacks and drinks. People were able to create their own posters or choose from an array of already created signs. All this was made possible by Chris, who provided all the tools necessary – poster boards, glue, scissors, letters, markers, glitter, etc.

    A good many folks showed up, and a good time seemed to be had by all. There was a good response from the cars, with lots of honks and waves (and only a few extended middle fingers). Thanks to Bill for all the photos.


    Olivia and Demetrius are happily situated in their new apartment and wish to thank everyone who so graciously came to their assistance. They are still in need of a 4 seater dining table (the apartment is very small) and chairs. Janet and Jim remain impressed at the generosity of this UU congregation.

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