Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Lafayette
January 12, 2025
Theme: Authority & Leadership [From Touchstones Jan 2020]
Attention: Potluck, Election and Annual Meeting are scheduled for Sunday, January 26.
Jimmy Carter wasn’t just a leader; he was a doer. Take this gem: “A strong nation, like a strong person, can afford to be gentle, firm, thoughtful, and restrained.”
Sunday Sermon: “Empowering Ourselves in UU Through our New Website.”
Dale Martin will lead us on a virtual tour of our new website. Please bring a digital device such as a smart phone, tablet, etc. to services for this interactive demo.
We are still collecting donations for The Inn Ministry. They areasking for donations of fresh produce, especially fruit, such as apples and oranges, but vegetables and salad greens, also. They continue to need powdered milk, peanut butter, and protein. Cash donations are always needed for bus passes.
January is Poverty in America Awareness Month
Did you know that the U.S. ranks second highest in poverty rates among its peer countries?
13 Korean American Day
18 People’s Rally 2-5 pm
Remind all participants to stay on public sidewalks.
20 Martin Luther King Jr Day
23 World Freedom Day
25 Chinese New Year
27 Holocaust Memorial Day
12 Sermon
19 Sermon / UU Discussion Group
26 Sermon / Potluck / Election / Annual Meeting
Thank you, Mary, and all that help put this beautiful newsletter together…lots going on these days! Currently fighting a head cold so may be just zooming with you tomorrow. Happy Sunday service🤎